Sunday, April 24, 2011

Some Backlash

Well it does seem as though there is some backlash developing over the Republican attack on Medicare in the name of "fixing the deficit".  In town hall meetings some are coming under criticism for the action.  It should be noted that many are also asking the obvious question as to why the Ryan "Passport to an early grave" budget also gives tax cuts to the wealthy, even causing the congressman in the story to pretend like he is unaware of the tax cuts!  This is shades of Nancy Pelosi's assertion that we have to pass the bill to see what's in it, like a Christmas present of death!  Woopee!
Meanwhile the Obamabot continues on a relentless fund raising campaign even as storms ravage across the country.  One needs to remember that the Android In Chief is no friend of seniors already approving a massive cut to the program.  That proposal eventually approved as much as 500 Billion in cuts.  His new proposed budget also addresses more cuts and talks about the old canard of "fraud".  It is a fallacy to think that fraud makes up any significant amount of spending in social programs, this tactic is just another way to deny benefits.
For a comprehensive reform of health care in this country we need a strong single payer system which can be operated through Medicare as out lined in the the Physician's for a National Health Program plan, and in my platform for economic and political change.
The overhead of private health insurance is the single biggest area that costs could be trimmed from any proposed health care overhaul.
Don't believe the rhetoric that seeks to compare us with other countries that have nationalIZED health care like the UK.  In a system we develop the providers would and should remain private institutions, whereas in places like the UK the hospitals and doctors are employees of the state.  Our plan would be much better.  The idea of giving everyone access to an affordable plan through a single payer under Medicare AND using that leverage to negotiate payments to doctors, hospitals, and most importantly drugs would greatly reduce costs.  It's simple.


  1. I do not think most that oppose single payer bother to really look into how it could work, or have an open mind to it.
    From what I have seen in all the years it's been discussed, the opposition only plays follow the leader.Always passing on that nasty propaganda, whether from mutual friends or political groups, they make no effort to challenge it.
    Now we have many that support Obama care (Romney Care) because they believe it's a step closer to single payer, when really it is the worst nightmare to have happened for this country,,,
    and now they just cut cut cut, bomb bomb bomb, nothing will change until it gets so ugly that we won't have jack squat left to talk about, the only option left will be survival, I can't stand humanity today, sorry lol.
    Great article ;)

  2. That's inspiring!
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit! :D
