Well he has been in the news for a "scathing" attack on Obama and reveals himself for what he is a "true" war-monger. Apparently Obama's war-mongering and murderous death from the skies in numerous countries is not enough for Santorum. In his speech at the National Press Club he clearly outlines all of the reasons that any sane person should see him as a LUNATIC.
Paul Ryan suddenly thinks the big oil companies should not get any federal subsidies and says he is in favor of ending corporate welfare in a town hall meeting. Hollow words from a corporate shill. My prediction is that any change seen will be cosmetic, if there is any change at all AND the ongoing attack on social programs will continue apace.
Meanwhile Obama continues his money raising efforts to keep killing people and destroying the country for an additional four years even as hundreds die in killer storms in the South.
Typical of the GOP they completely dismiss the voter outrage for the Ryan "Passport to the poorhouse and death" budget attack on Medicare. They are claiming it's not REAL anger but phony anger. This sounds suspiciously like the Democrats talking up the sham health reform bill that passed, saying that the opposition would "learn to like it."
More examples of the complete ownership of our government by corporate and rich interests. Remember people there is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. They both serve the same master. If there was any kind of opposition there would be solid proposals for a national single payer health plan. There would be solid proposals for making the tax code progressive, but in the end the tax cuts to the rich and corporations will go through as slick as grease with no opposition.
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