Monday, May 16, 2011

Concerted Effort

There is a large concerted effort being made by all parties that is attempting to rationalize the dismantling of the Medicare program.  Now they are trying to push a "reform" of Social Security too as they try to convince us with polls that people actually want this.  It is obvious through poll after poll, when conducted without political agendas and without massaging of the data that people overwhelmingly support the retention of these programs and the strengthening of them.  Meanwhile we have a real solution to health care reform introduced into the Senate which is not covered by the news media (wholly owned subsidiaries of the corporate controllers of the nation).  That solution is single payer, strengthened and expanded Medicare for all.
Don't believe the lies, these programs are effective and they need to be saved and strengthened not cut and gutted.  Remember my prediction that Obama will be the driving force in the attempt to deconstruct these programs, unless something really big happens in the way of massive opposition.

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